
Sunday, October 30, 2016


Syphilis brought my best friend and me together.
During health class in 9th grade, we were assigned a group project during the STD unit.
Our group had syphilis.
We met up at her house and the three of us went up to the loft, pushed the couch to the computer and researched syphilis while drinking blue Gatorade.
I don’t know what happened to the third girl but that day the stars aligned to bond me with my BFF.

Not long after that, we became so close we were kind of annoying. We just got really hyper around each other.
The terrible thing was that she was kind of cool without me. I brought her down several pegs. When she got her first boyfriend I used to walk awkwardly behind them down the hall while they held hands. She thought I was dumb and he hated me. Thankfully they broke up and everything was fine.

After High School, she moved to New York for college. (Did I mention she was cooler than me?)
We didn’t talk much.
She didn’t come to my wedding.
I didn’t go to her graduation.
It was perfect.

Eventually, she moved back and we jumped back into things.
Life is about 50% more awkward with her and 150% more awesome.

This is getting too sappy for me.
I like my best friend.
The end.

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